Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Meanest mom ever

You know your kids love you when they tell you your the meanest mom ever. Then in the next 5 minutes say I love you mom. It is funny. So the evil germs got us and we are sick. So I told my 4 year old he couldn't go outside to play in the freshly fallen snow. Yes I said snow. - in October- YUCK I like how Emily described them. Germs are Satan they want everyone to be miserable. I cracked up. She keeps me sane.

I have to go shopping I have put it off and we are completely out of everything. I am not feeling tip top but I know it will hit hard tomorrow. So I only have one funny thing today. Yesterday A my 4 year old was getting into the fake blood for A my 11 year old's costume. I told him exasperatingly "No blood" I grabbed the tube from his hands and rolled my eyes." Stay out of the blood." I laughed at him and he looked at me like I was crazy. Never in all my life did I figure I would have to tell my kids to stay out of blood. Oh the sweet sounds of Halloween.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Hi to all

Welcome to my blog. Ok this is a first for me. I wanted to keep in touch with my parents who are in Italy give them an easy way to see what is going on. Also thought it would be fun to keep a list of funny things that are always popping in my head.

Dr. Seuss said "From near to far, from here to there, funny things are everywhere." since I have become a mom I say them more and more. So I'm watching TV and a commercial comes on for yogurt. All the women were eating the delicious yogurt and licking the lids, and putting the lids in an envelope. All I could think of was please mail us your germs. All I could envision was the workers in bio-suits or passing the envelopes threw a sanitation device. I mean really would you want the job of counting the gross licked lids?

So I had fun today researching the redwood forest. So beautiful. As soon as I can get a reliable car I want to take Matt and the kids. I will put some pics I have if I can figure out how to put in pictures in.