Saturday, January 23, 2010

First Day

I haven't written anything in a while so I thought I would jot down a few notes.

I started a creative writing class today. I wasn't sure what to expect. I was nervous. Not sure why? I guess I felt that everyone would think I was a freak because, sometimes feel like I am crazy when I write. I hear the story in my head. When I go to write I tell my husband that I am going to go spend some time with my imaginary friends. I was pleasantly surprised when in the class someone else mentioned that they feel that as adults their characters are their imaginary friends. As we talked about the writing process, plots, outlines etc. I felt like there is truly nothing like being around other writers.

As Anne Shirley said “Kindred Spirits are not so scarce as I used to think. Its splendid to find out there are so many of them in the world.”

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